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Friday, March 30, 2007


Thanks to Ms Lim, we may have a chance to go to Ophir this Year!!!!
keep a lookout!

Ms Teo

~ { 2:13 AM }
aiming for the sky above;

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

hihi ole Ms TEO was down wif backpain.....
too much gym lessons....relapse of an old injury from sailing lessons 6 yrs ago...

aniway, if u see me walking lik donal duck, u know why!!!!!

put up extra duty lists at the notice board. If u were absent 4 the hol meeting, go grab one.
start sending us ur blog entry can?? stop posting non-stop at ur own blog. dro psome here!!!!!!!!!!!!!

~ { 11:19 PM }
aiming for the sky above;

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Belated photos
Hi all,

This is Miss Kong here, first time blogging here.. :)

There are some photos which i want to share with you some photos taken when I was conducting the PPT course with some of the P5 pupils..

Here are a few example photos, as for the rest of the photos, please visit the website:

With love,
Miss Amy Kong

~ { 7:02 PM }
aiming for the sky above;

Sunday, March 18, 2007


HAVE A BLOG? email ur BLOG address to ARIANI....(emotiix@hotmail.com)

so that she can update the links. i noticed linshan & Diyanas' link's outdated..

~ { 7:01 AM }
aiming for the sky above;

Friday, March 16, 2007

:) well wishes

~ { 1:04 PM }
aiming for the sky above;

SC Meeting on 14th March 2007
Hi ~ I'm Yue Jun, posting for the first time! >.<>:D

I hope all of you enjoyed the team-building games, even though some of you got caught by the zoo-keeper and locked into the monkey cages!

Oh, yes! Before I forget, I would like to welcome the new batch of P4s into our SC! P4s, don't worry if you don't do things well, as long as you learn from your mistakes, you will have a great time in SC!

Hopefully, after the meeting, every committee member will roughly know about the plans for 2007. A new year... a new beginning... Are you prepared for 2007?

Alright, I'll stop here. After looking back, I feel that I've written a whole load of rubbish... >.< Had I?

~ { 11:52 AM }
aiming for the sky above;

Wednesday, March 14, 2007


2 AWARDS to be given by end of the year
1) Blogger of the year
2)Outstanding STudent Councilor Award

pass the word ard.
to submit ur blog entry, email to myself, linshan, ariani, yuejun or sharlynn.
we'll post it up for you!

Ms Teo the GREAT

~ { 11:57 PM }
aiming for the sky above;

Saturday, March 10, 2007

10AM - 1230PM

~ { 11:48 PM }
aiming for the sky above;

Sunday, March 4, 2007


This is LinShan here, posting 'bout the P5 Camp.

Well it certainly was fun!

But sadly, not every P5 had the chance to go rock-climbing, due to the rain! :(

I'm from BALOO, and BALOO definitely rocked! :)

I really think P5(s) learnt alot from this camp.

Of course, the camp was Gracious Camp.

We definitely learned to be gracious, more independent, more optimistic, and to be a better person.

Every boy and girl from WOODLANDS changed ther personality for the better.

Although in camp there were dirty, smelly and disgusting things, I really must hand it to those who are over-pampered!

But still, there were a few home-sick students, and they had to be comforted by the teachers, and some of them even went home!
And I think that this year, not alot of students went home. Let's put it this way;
Once you go home, you will ask your friends, "What are you doing now? Are you having fun?" Then you will regret leaving, as now you feel like going back to camp!
Yes, sometimes during camp they are rather strict, but still, that doesn't stop us from having fun at the same time!
In camp you get to sleep over with your friends, have fun 24/7, without parent supervision!
Even though there was rain, it certainly did not stop every group from doing the River Challenge, as well as the Nature Rumble!
Also, I really think the teachers are fantastic! They're there for us, and to take care of us!
I think the teachers've done a great job!
So, posting all this, I really want to let WDP students know:
WDP students, you guys are lucky! :)

~ { 10:58 AM }
aiming for the sky above;

Saturday, March 3, 2007

missed those farnie pple?

here a photo for some of u who missed them rather badly...hahahaha
Ms Teo

~ { 10:03 PM }
aiming for the sky above;

heys all the p5s? did u all enjoy the camp?? well for me i enjoyed it =) it was fun isnt it?all the trainers r so funny =P as for our trainer [in charge of akela] which is chong he was fun though kindda have a bad temper :P but i still like him alot...well he knows alot of things hahas...like pole dance :P oh yah....he owes us pole dance!!!! hey where is our pole dance.....next time when we see him mus ask him do pole dance....i noe ask the p4s if got see chong mus ask him do the pole dance he owes the this year p5s our group akela also hav a boy named henry which is our group leader....he is an expert at doin sexy clap...we kept askin him to do hahas...then he also do the pole dance for us...he was sexy....hahas....anyway hope u all enjoyed the camp =) bye all good nites......


~ { 10:02 PM }
aiming for the sky above;

Friday, March 2, 2007


spent yet another 3 days at SARIMBUN...this has become a yearly ritual. Year after year i see girls and boys going through it, coming out of it tougher kids than before....they become...to quote an instructor...."less gu-niang".
In the camp, one learns to move out of the comfort zone- you really know what you are made od, STONE or TOFU.....ha ha ha ha ha ha

you thought you were really strong
then you realise you were really weak
no mattress, no fan, no TV, no MSN, no maple, no air-con
and you actually u thot u will die w/o the computer for a day
for the first time in ur life, u actually ENJOY bathing rather than waiting for mummy to nag.

the funny thing is, after all the torture....you find that u actually MISSED the camp.
AM I RIGHT???? ha ha ha ha ha ha a

photo there was taken at the 2005 P5 camp. once i get my hands ont his yeras' foto, i'll post a couple. P5, send in you r blog on the camp yar? cheers!

Ms Teo

~ { 11:59 PM }
aiming for the sky above;